This is Ryder...he is the most loyal friend. He and I have been friends for 10 years. He is always there to cheer me up when i am sad, he is a wonderful listener, a warm hugger, and a loud snorer.
In my adventure down the 1/2 marathon yellow brick road, i have encounters some frightening sights. Perpetually broken big toe nails, blisters in between toes, blisters on my arch, Shin splints, runners knee, just to name a few. If I were as brave as my friend Tony (snowboarder vs. Tree) i would post pictures of my feet...but i am way to vain and also disgusted to show the world (world=6 friends) my grotesque feet.
Last night i went for one of my weekly runs and was really struggling with the pain. After 2 miles i decided to pull my super feet inserts out, and just put the regular inserts that came with my saucony running shoes back in. WHAM, ZAP,POW,BLAM, it was fixed. My feet did not hurt, my shins did not hurt. I felt like i was flying! I went from struggling through a 10 minute mile pace to comfortably running at a 8 minute mile...AMAZING!
I SIGNED UP FOR MY 1st HALF MARATHON....i am not new to running. I have been involoved with sports my entire life. I have always told myself that i am not a long distance runner, i am not built for it, i am not built like those super skinny Kenyans that you always see sprinting across the finish line at every marathon. I would instead tell myself that a 5k is good enough....
Until one day i was talking to some of the 15 year old girls that i coach, and they were determined to convience me that they could not a 5k! I kept saying YES you can! I told them that by saying they can't that they would never be able to do it, because they would never try. Also they were being ridicilous because they play soccer for 90 minutes and run a 5k in every game!
After that converstation i realized it was time for me to take some of my own advice..."by telling myself i can't run a half marathon, i would never be able to"
That brings you up to date. I am now training for the route 66 half marathon which is November 27th. I am on week 8 of training and have a great support system around me. Every Saturday, Kelly, Tracy , Kyndell and I meet up to do the LONG run. It is wonderful to have someone to cheer you on and comisotate with! I also have my coach, Brooke, who is just a phone call away! I look forward to the day when she can join us for a race!
13.1 is half of a full 26.2 mile marathon--it doesn't feel like half of anything when your out there! :)
MY eye is twitching, my nerves are shot and i am DONE with annoying 13 year olds!
I leave for EUROPE in 8 days! I will be gone for a month and while i am gone i will visit 4 countries!
I am also meeting up with my good friend MANDY in Austria on June 6Th! :) I rarely see her here in Tulsa, but we are managing to make time for each other abroad! HAHAHA
Demery: Ha-ha...sometimes i call you Mrs. Rogers and sometimes i call you Ms. Campbell...haha Me: Demery your kinda a ditz sometimes...
Demery: What is a Ditz? Me: Really? Like you are DITSYDEMERY! Demery: (confused look) No...i don't know what that means. What does it mean?? Me: I would like you to go to your next hour teacher and ask them to tell you what it means.
The next day...
Demery: Mrs. Rogers! I figured out that it means air head! Me: What did you think it meant? Demery: CLUMSY... Me: What does clumsy mean? Demery: (BLANK LOOK) I dunno...
Dallas: Hey, are you pregnant? Me: NO... Dallas: Oh, cause you have been really moody lately... Me: Telling a moody person that they have been moody is never really a good idea... _______________________________
My husband just returned form a work trip to Norway. He said it was the most beautiful place he has ever visited. Which is saying a lot, because he has visited many more places then i have...
The spectacular landscapes are called Fjords. here is the definition:
Along with being an art teacher, I am also a soccer coach. Many people are very surprised by this fact because the stereotype of being an athlete and the stereotype of begin an artist do not fit neatly into the same box. But I love it...some days i love it more then others.
Today I am proud to be the coach of these girls, they finished their season 10 wins, 5 ties, and NO losses, they scored 43 goals and had 11 shutouts! Congratulation JV red!
My Grandma's Chicken Pot Pie Ingredients: 2 Pie Shells 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped carrots 1 cup chopped celery 3/4 cup butter 1/2 cup flour 2 cups broth 1/2 cup half and half 1 tsp salt---1/2 tsp pepper 4 cups cooked chicken *Saute' onion, celery, carrots in melted butter. *Simmer for 10 minutes. *Add flour-Stir well. Cook 1 minute stirring constantly. *Combine broth and half/half. Gradually stir into the mixture. *Cook until thick and bubbly. Stir in salt and pepper. *Add chicken. *Put in a pie shell. Cover with pie shell. *Cook at 375 for 40 minutes. Yummy! Hope you enjoy!
I love to cook and this is one of my families favorite dishes. QUICK & EASY way to make this dish is to boil chicken breasts and using canned chicken broth. FULL FLAVOR version consists of roasting the chickens the days before, allowing them to cool and shredding the meat with a fork and then make your own broth with the remaining chicken bones. The home made broth gives the pot pie a full and rich flavor that will not disappoint.
I have lived for 26 years without giving to much thought into the shape of my chin until yesterday. Tuesday, April 6th 2010 the day that one of my 7th grade students made the comment, "you have a butt chin!"
My initial reaction was confusion, was that compliment or an insult?
So i have done some research:
A butt chin is most commonly referred to as a Cleft chin, this is what Wikipedia says:
The terms cleft chin,[1] chin cleft[2], dimple chin,[3] a chin dimple[1], or a butt chin[1] indicate to a dimple on the chin. It is a Y-shaped fissure on the chin with an underlying bony peculiarity.[4] The chin fissure follows the fissure in the lower jaw bone resulted from the incomplete fusion of the left and right halves of the jaw during the embryonal and fetal development.[1] This is an inherited trait in humans, where the dominant gene causes the cleft chin while the recessive genotype presents without a cleft. However, it is also a classic example for variable penetrance[5] with environmental factors or a modifier gene possibly affecting the phenotypical expression of the actual genotype.
This still didn't really answer any questions for me, i was looking for something along the lines of, a butt chin indicates high intelligence...dang!
Oh well, i guess having a butt chin is better then having a butt face...
My 7th graders are building newspaper structures. Its newspaper rolled into tubes, stacked and tied with string. I will post a picture of the 150 newspaper structures hanging from the ceiling of my art room...