Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

half of what!?!

I SIGNED UP FOR MY 1st HALF MARATHON....i am not new to running. I have been involoved with sports my entire life. I have always told myself that i am not a long distance runner, i am not built for it, i am not built like those super skinny Kenyans that you always see sprinting across the finish line at every marathon. I would instead tell myself that a 5k is good enough....
Until one day i was talking to some of the 15 year old girls that i coach, and they were determined to convience me that they could not a 5k! I kept saying YES you can! I told them that by saying they can't that they would never be able to do it, because they would never try. Also they were being ridicilous because they play soccer for 90 minutes and run a 5k in every game!
After that converstation i realized it was time for me to take some of my own advice..."by telling myself i can't run a half marathon, i would never be able to"
That brings you up to date. I am now training for the route 66 half marathon which is November 27th. I am on week 8 of training and have a great support system around me. Every Saturday, Kelly, Tracy , Kyndell and I meet up to do the LONG run. It is wonderful to have someone to cheer you on and comisotate with! I also have my coach, Brooke, who is just a phone call away! I look forward to the day when she can join us for a race!
13.1 is half of a full 26.2 mile marathon--it doesn't feel like half of anything when your out there! :)