Friday, January 14, 2011


I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends!
The word friend doesn't describe the bond that we share.
SISTER is a better word. It is especially meaningful to me since i don't have any sisters.
I truly believe that these are my God given sisters. I thankful for such a gift.
I LOVE YOU ALL! Thanks for being such wonderful SISTERS

Paris is magical

America is my country but Paris is my hometown
-Gertude Stien


Green with envy

Thursday, January 13, 2011

wide open spaces

My Studio! This is my new studio space...just working on some peices to prepare for my show in the fall.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Self portrait: 2010

Spend more time with Family, painting, church activities, running
2.) Don't sweat the small stuff
3.) Try to use a coupon once in the year 2011
4.) Cook more--eat out LESS

Farewell Christmas

I am so blessed with a wonderful Family! It was a super season!
Farewell Christmas time! See you next year!

cookie and sheets

I decided that Baking and Laundry are a perfect couple.
When you are dong Laundry you always have to move something over-fold something- hang something--it is all together depressing.
But If you bake cookies while doing your laundry you then get to have a warm cookie to make the depressing act more enjoyable....
Try it. You will not be disappointed!